Boxing Fitness

Boxing Fitness Workout Classes

Workout like a Boxer

The signature class of ABC boxing fitness is more than a workout.

Respecting the roots of boxing, we created a unique class by teaching you how to punch correctly using every part of your body, learning new skills and having fun while relieving stress.

Every 60-minute session includes warmup drills, light stretching, and timed anaerobic intervals on the heavy bag.

Lastly, we conclude our session with a cooldown.


Simple yet effective moving drills, shadowboxing, and controlled breathing cadences are key to starting our workouts.

Heavy Bag Workout

The main component of the workout is centered on the heavy bags.

Three minute rounds provide an opportunity to strengthen attacks and increase speed, all while relieving excess stress !

Intensity adjusts according to each member; promoting a low barrier entry with a scaling difficulty over time.

The Benefits of Taking an Athens Boxing Club Boxing Class

At Athens Boxing Club we ‘re always at your side to help achieve your goals, and overcome your barriers.

Workouts are built for any person alive, no matter, sex, appearance, physical condition, and this mentality is our main priority to remain untouchable though time.

Our boxing fitness classes provide :

  • The most enjoyable way to built confidence, relieve stress and enforce strenght.
  • One of the most supreme workouts to built strength and cardio endurance
  • The best way to lose weight and improve your body tone.
  • Improve your anaerobic and aerobic ability.
  • Learn or improve your rythme, coordination and agility in the level that you dream.

Wanna join for a first free session?
Contact us for any further information